College Awareness Week
College Awareness Week:
College Awareness Week took place from Monday 23rd of November to Friday 27th of November. These are some of the fun activities we did in Mr Toher’s 6th class- Room 22.
Our class booklets:
In our class each student got a special College Awareness Week booklet. This booklet contained-questionnaires, crosswords and pictures. These questionnaires were about choosing our future. We made student ID cards and then we laminated them. We hope to get a discount next time we go to the cinema!!!
Choosing our future:
In our class the most common courses were physiotherapy and veterinary. We looked up the types of course on our new ipads. We then made Dream bubbles drawing ourselves in the future. We definitely think it’s important to know about college because you don’t know what the future can hold. We really enjoyed looking up different colleges. We were able to take a 3D tour of University College Dublin.
Teaching from Ms Loughlin:
In 6th class we had a helping hand from Ms Loughlin. Ms Loughlin is studiyng to be a teacher and is still in college at the moment. She was helping us with College Awareness Week and telling us all about her college experience.
Overall, we really enjoyed College Awareness Week and learned lots throughout the week.
By: Matilda Sullivan & Dayna Flynn
6th class
Mr Toher’s Room 22

St Teresa's National School, Killoe, Co. Longford
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