GOAL Jersey Day

Jersey day
On Friday the 9th of October, Goal Jersey day took place in our school. GOAL Jersey Day is an organisation across Ireland that helps people in poor countries all over the world. We all wore our favourite jerseys. I saw many different jerseys from Killoe, Longford, Liverpool, Manchester United and lots more.
Goal was founded by a journalist called John O’Shea in 1977, when he saw the sad situation of kids in Calcutta. He knew he had to do something. It works with many vulnerable communities in more than 60 countries.
It was great to see colour around the halls of our school.
Thank you to everyone that donated. We raised € 611.40 euro. We are already looking forward to Jersey Day 2021.
By Sorcha Ní Mhaonaigh
6th Class
St Teresa's National School, Killoe, Co. Longford
Phone: 043 332 3352 | Email: office@killoens.ie